Omar to Democrats: ‘Let’s Give Working Folks a Reason to Turn Out to Vote for Us’
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar urged Democrats to better serve and engage with working people in a Saturday keynote speech at the annual progressive political convention Netroots Nation.
The Minnesota Democrat’s 11-minute address in Pittsburgh wrapped up a session about the upcoming midterm elections titled, “On to November: How We Win and Save Democracy.”
Moreover, Omar celebrated recent victories, stating that “our movement is at a watershed moment. Over the past several years, we’ve seen the biggest resurgence of progressive organizing and movement-building in our lifetimes.”
“Across the country young people are reviving the labor movement,” she said, noting unionization efforts by Amazon, Google, Starbucks, and Trader Joe’s workers. “We have taken on some of the biggest, wealthiest multinational corporations in the world—and we are winning.”
“I’m proud that workers in my office led a movement to unionize the staff of the United States Congress and we are just getting started,” Omar said. “But friends, it is not just unions.”
The Somali-born congresswoman cited her youth in a refugee camp, her historic election to Congress, and the campaigns and wins of other diverse, progressive candidates despite well-funded efforts to defeat them.
Also, Omar highlighted recent legislative successes, including healthcare expansion for veterans, a gun safety measure, and the Inflation Reduction Act, a compromise package on Medicare, taxation, and climate action that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) negotiated with obstructionist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
Furthermore, she noted public safety changes currently underway in her district—over two years after Minneapolis police murdered George Floyd, an unarmed Black man.
“The reality is none of these things would be possible without a massive, vocal, organized progressive movement driving the narrative and pushing for change,” Omar said. “Because I know this: when you show up, it gives us the power to organize the base and to work to push for change on the inside.”
“Progressives win when turnout is high and we lose when turnout is low,” she noted. “So this election, we cannot let fear defeat us. Let us focus on those who don’t have a voice and who will support our boldest, most endearing ideas as a party.”
“Let’s elevate the people who are closest to the pain. Let’s give working folks a reason to turn out to vote for us,” she added.
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