Modern ideologies threaten family values, experts warn
DOHA, Qatar (MNTV) – Modern ideologies are eroding traditional family values and destabilizing societies, scholars warned at a Ramadan talk show in Qatar.
Speaking at the second episode of Wa Amenhum mein Khawf (Secure Them from Fear), experts stressed that preserving faith-based family structures is key to societal harmony.
According to Gulf Times, the event, organized by Qatar’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, was held at the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Al Wahhab Mosque in Doha.
The episode, Muslim Families: The Cornerstone of Sound Societies, focused on the challenges facing families today, including shifting gender roles, rising divorce rates, and external influences that challenge traditional values.
Dr. Mohammad al-Mahmoud, a preacher from the ministry, warned that undermining the Islamic principle of qiwamah (male guardianship) leads to social disorder. He stressed that weakening family leadership structures disrupts societal stability.
Dr. Abdul Salam al-Majidi of Qatar University’s College of Sharia and Islamic Studies pointed to Quranic teachings and the family of Prophet Abraham as examples of strong, faith-driven households.
He emphasized that men have a divinely ordained responsibility to provide for and lead their families.
Algerian scholar Dr. Abdul Razzaq Qassoum cautioned against modern ideologies that question the traditional family system, arguing that the marriage contract remains the foundation of a stable Muslim household.
Moroccan academic Dr. Al-Bashir Essam al-Marrakchi echoed these concerns, urging a return to religious teachings to maintain family cohesion.
He stressed that family stability relies on mutual respect and adherence to distinct gender roles, rather than mere romantic love.
The discussion concluded with a strong call to uphold Islamic family values in the face of changing societal norms, emphasizing that stable families are essential for a prosperous and morally sound society.