Renowned journalist Ziya Us Salam’s book is not only a critique, but also call to action for empathy and inclusivity at a time when India is at a critical crossroads of identity and governance By Iftikhar Gilani In the turbulent turmoil of India’s election campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has himself stepped up divisive rhetoric an...
Unfortunately, many demonstrators are labeled as antisemites, even as some of the are Jews and are protesting Israel’s actions *Jesse. L Jackson, Sr To the shock of many, demonstrations against the horror in Gaza are spreading across the country, and the young leaders of this movement are found on college campuses across this nation. At [&hell...
This overlooked chapter in the history of the labor movement goes back not only to the Haymarket protests but also recalls the universal and ongoing struggle for workers’ rights. As the world celebrates Labor Day, or May Day (minus U.S. and Canada), on Wednesday, remembering the historic 1886 protests in Chicago’s Haymarket Square,...
It is crucial to scrutinize ethical dimensions strategies laced with technology when a leader uses them to spread misinformation and hatred between communities By Iftikhar Gilani During the 2014 general elections, in the bustling town of Samastipur in the northern state of Bihar, I discovered that the cabin of the manager of a cinema hall [&he...
While Pakistan struggles with its own democratic foundations, its invisible yet impactful contributions to Indian democracy remains hidden By Iftikhar Gilani In the sprawling narrative of South Asian history, the intertwined paths of India and Pakistan often evoke images of conflict and division. However, a deeper delve reveals a shared legacy...
Congress nomination of Kathua rape supporter Lal Singh to contest elections shows that secular parties give refuge to communalists when tide turns against them By Iftikhar Gilani The secular Congress party’s nomination of Chaudhary Lal Singh, a former minister for the Udhampur-Doda constituency in Jammu and Kashmir to contest the 2024 ge...
This election also witnessed the emergence of new Islamic political forces, the Yeniden Refah Partisi (New Welfare Party), which managed to carve out its niche in political landscape By Iftikhar Gilani Under the gentle embrace of a vernal sun in Ankara on Sunday, a narrative of political metamorphosis unfolded. Murat Oktay, once a linchpin in ...
Istanbul, Turkey’s vibrant metropolis and economic center, has become the focal point of this election campaign By Iftikhar Gilani ANKARA – The battle lines are being drawn in Turkiye’s 81 provinces as the country prepares for Sunday’s crucial local elections. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Par...
By Taha Ghayyur (Executive Director, Justice For All Canada) Dehumanization, which paves the way for hate and persecution, is a distressing tactic employed by various states to strip certain groups of their inherent human qualities, identity, and dignity. This process not only facilitates but also justifies the systematic persecution of these ...
By Mohammed Abuanhel Who am I?, I am the United States. What do I do? I support, launch, and spark wars, and prevent peace from taking place. Additionally, I use democracy as a pretext to do what I want to do. When do I do this? I have been doing this since my foundation. Where […]