Muslims in the U.S. comprise a diverse ethnic and racial minority but unite for prayers and Eid celebrations. Dressed in colorful attire, families exchange greetings and prayers in mosques and community centers, reflecting the nation’s growing Islamic presence. These gatherings showcase the rich cultural tapestry of American Muslims, fr...
A groundbreaking Ramadan radio show being hosted by Dutch Muslim women aims to demystify Islam and counter stereotypes. Led by Nora Akachar, the show, titled “Suhoor Stories,” has an all-female lineup. Guests share personal Ramadan experiences and answer common questions. The show garners 160,000 daily listeners nationwide. Despite facing crit...
Hundreds of strangers in the United Arab Emirates’ city of Dubai recently gathered to commemorate a recent convert to Islam who died March 25. Twenty-nine-year-old Ukranian expatriate Daria Kotsarenko had no family or relatives in the country. She initially visited the UAE three years ago as a tourist. Upon learning more about Islam and Musli...
In St. Paul, Minnesota, the deaf community marked Ramadan with a special iftar celebration at the Wilder Foundation. Hosted by the Minnesota Deaf Muslim Community, the event emphasized culturally and linguistically appropriate services. It offered attendees an opportunity to break their fast together while building community bonds. Keynote spe...
Muslims of all ages flock to mosques to pray and recite poetry dedicated to the Prophet on the occasion, known as Mawlid Al-Nabawi ISTANBUL (AA) – Muslims around the world are celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday, a day of great spiritual significance in Islam. Muslims of all ages flock to mosques […]
Soon after prayers, Anwar Ibrahim oversaw the conversion of a man, although this was not part of his official program NEW YORK – Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim oversaw the conversion of a man named Andrew to Islam after Friday prayers in New York. This unexpected event took place at the Islamic Cultural Center of […]
Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah has been praised for his bridge-building efforts and his firm stand against religious extremism WASHINGTON – The American Jewish Committee (AJC) has awarded its prestigious Human Dignity Award to Mauritanian Islamic scholar Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah. Shaykh Bayyah teaches Islamic studies at King Abdul Aziz Uni...
ANKARA, Turkiye – Telling the true stories and the beauty and peace of Islam could help end racism and Islamophobia, according to the daughter of US civil rights leader Malcolm X. “If we want racism to end, then we have to tell the true stories of history. If we want Islamophobia to end, we must […]
Event emphasizes diversity and inclusion, featuring contributions from both Muslim and non-Muslim artists MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin – Nadia Alkhun, an interdisciplinary artist, genetic engineer, and biotechnologist, will unveil the Islamic inspired exhibit at her NAdiaNA Art Gallery this weekend. The event emphasizes diversity and inclusion, ...
-Goal of symposium is to highlight significant contributions of Muslims to rich history and culture of Caribbean GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The President of the South American country of Guyana, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, has stressed the importance of eliminating misconceptions about Islam in multireligious societies. He opened an international symp...