MOSCOW – Telegram has surpassed WhatsApp to become Russia’s top messaging application, the mobile operator Megafon has announced. Megafon said the use of Telegram in Russia has increased rapidly since February 24, when Russia launched an attack on Ukraine. The share of Telegram in the total messaging traffic rose from 43% to 63% in the [...
HOUSTON, Texas, US – The US invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, on the premise that there were weapons of mass destruction in that country. This marks the 19th anniversary of the euphemistically titled ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom.’ Zaid al-Mahdawi is an Iraqi living in Houston who was in Baghdad when the war began. “Most of [&hellip...
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA: Yemen’s Houthi rebels fired drones and missiles at Saudi water and energy desalination facilities causing no causalities, but a temporary drop in output at a refinery. The drone strikes and ballistic and cruise missiles used by Houthis hit Yanbu’s gas plant, the Yasref refinery in the Yanbu Industrial City on the Red [&he...
SANAA, Yemen (AA) – The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen announced that it has thwarted a booby-trapped boat attack south of the Red Sea. A coalition statement said the boat was destroyed in al-Hudaydah in western Yemen. The statement said the attack targeted navigation south of the Red Sea, without giving further details. According to the [&helli...
KIGALI, Rwanda (AA) – Mali’s former Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga died in detention on Monday, local media reported. He was 68. Maiga, the president of the Alliance for Solidarity in Mali–Convergence of Patriotic Forces party, (ASMA-CFP) died on Monday morning at a private clinic in Mali’s capital Bamako, where he had been admit...
KYIV, Ukraine (AA) – The Ukrainian president on Sunday signed a bill that extends the martial law for another 30 days from March 26. Volodymyr Zelenskyy approved legislation extending the period of wartime in Ukraine by 30 days from March 26, said a statement by the Ukrainian parliament. Zelenskyy announced martial law across the country...
NEW YORK (AA) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Sunday that he is ready for negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I’m ready for negotiations with him. I was ready for the last two years. And I think that without negotiations we cannot end this war,” Zelenskyy told CNN in a televised interview. H...
DHAKA, Bangladesh – Seven people have died and at least 20 more are missing after a cargo vessel rammed into a packed passenger ferry in central Bangladesh. The ferry carrying some 60 passengers sank in the Shitalakhsya River in the industrial district of Narayanganj, about 20 kilometers from the capital Dhaka. “We have recovered seven [...
STOCKHOLM (AA) – Muslim immigrant families in western Sweden continue to protest against state social services for “unjustly” taking their children away. Protesters, demonstrating in different cities of Sweden since Feb. 7, gathered in Gothenburg’s Gustaf Adolf Torg Square for their eighth demonstration. Families were h...
MOSCOW – A high-ranking Russian military official has been killed in the war against Ukraine, according to a Russian official’s social media post. Russian Senator from Sevastopol Yekaterina Altabayeva on her Telegram said Andrey Paliy, 51-year-old deputy commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, died in the clashes at Ukraine’...